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Thursday 30 July 2015

How I spent my Summer Vacation

The  schools  of  Delhi , the  capital  of  India  are  closed  on  may 15th, for  two  months  for  summer  vacation . They  are  closed  on  this  occasion  only  to  facilitate  the children  and  to  save  themselves  from the  burning  sun , hot  winds  and  the  heated  earth . Some people go to  hills  to  save  themselves  from  the  heat  of  the summer  , some  make  programme  to  go  on  some  tour  and  some  go  out  to  see their  relatives .
I had  never  seen  a  village  but  I  had  already  heard  from  my  mother  about  pure  atmosphere  and  the green  fields  of  villages  as  well  as  the  simple  nature  of  the  villagers . So,  I  made  my  mother  ready  to go  to  my  maternal  uncle . My  mother  and  I  set  out  on  our  journey   for  the  village  by  bus  on  May 20th .
It  was  only  eleven O’  clock  but  the  sun  was  blazing  very  hot . As  the  bus  came  on  a  kuccha  road  (raw road) ,  jerks  and  jostles   started  in  the  bus . Everyone in  the bus  was  uneasy  and  was  remembering God  . After  going  for  some  distance  the bus  feel  into  a pit  that  was  filed  with  dust . The driver  told  the  passengers  to get down  and  push  out  the  bus . So every  traveller  came  out  and  tried to  push  out  the  bus . After a great  struggle  the  bus  jumped  out .We felt  as  if  we  had  won  some  battle .
At  three o’ clock  we  reached  the  Haveli (the big house)  of  my  maternal  uncle  .I  was  fully  infused  with  dust  . My  uncle  gave  me  cold  water  of  the  well  to  bathe . As  I  took  bath  I  was refreshed . Then  I  took  food  and  slept . I  woke  up at  five o’clock  and  then  I went  out  to see  the village . I  found  the  atmosphere  of  the  village  quite  the  same  as  I  had  already  heard .
Every day  I  woke  up  early  in  the  morning  and went  to  the  mango  garden  where  I  enjoyed  the  sweet  mangoes . After coming back  home  I  took  bath  and  then  took  milk  . From 8 A.M.  to  10 A.M . I sat  to work  . I  did  my  home  work  in  English  and  mathematics . At   10  A.M .  I  had  my  meals . For about  two hours  I  took  rest  and  read the  newspaper . At  evening  I  again  went  out  for  a  walk .Thus  my summer  vacation  passed  very  easily .

I came back  to  Delhi  with my  mother  two  days  before  my  school  reopened . Now  I think  that  the  government  should  improve  the  condition  of  the  roads  of  the  villages .    

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