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Friday 14 August 2015


New Delhi: India has a long history to tell about itself since independent till now. On the occasion of India's 69th Independence Day, here are some interesting and unknown facts related to India and independence.

1. National flag was hoisted first on August 7, 1906 at the Parsee Bagan Square in Calcutta. The flag was composed of horizontal strips of red, yellow and green. The red strip at the top had eight white lotuses embossed on it in a row. The green strip had a white sun on the left and a white crescent and star on the right.
2. The name `India' is derived from the River Indus, the valleys around which were the home of the first inhabitants of India. The Sanskrit name for India is Bharat Ganarajya. That is the reason why it is also called Bharat. The name “India” comes from the Indus River, which is where earliest settlers made their homes.
3. The current flag has three colours in it. The top strip saffron stands for courage and sacrifice; the middle portion white for peace, truth, purity and green for faith, fertility and chivalry. The Ashok Chakra at the centre of the flag — righteousness.

4. India never invaded any country in her last 100000 years of history.

5. It is said that the first version of the current national flag was made by Pingali Venkayya at Bezwada in 1921. It was made up of two colours-red and green-representing the two major communities. Gandhiji suggested the addition of a white strip to represent the remaining communities of India and the spinning wheel to symbolize progress of the Nation.

6. North Korea, South Korea, Bahrain and Republic of the Congo share their independence day with India. Mountbatten chose the day since Aug 15 as it also commemorated the second anniversary of Japan’s surrender to the Allied Forces. North Korea, South Korea, Bahrain and Republic of the Congo share their independence day with India.
7. Khadi Development and Village Industries Commission is the only licenced flag production and supply unit in India. As of 2008, the Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta Sangha based in Dharwad was the sole manufacturer of the flag. Earlier, flags were made with Jayadhar, a popular variety of cotton grown in Karnataka. But recently, Khadi Gramodyoga has started using Bt cotton instead of the indigenous

8. India is the world's largest producer of tea, milk and mangoes and also the second largest producer of wheat and rice, the world's major food staples.

9. "Chess" and "Snakes and Ladders" were invented in India.

10. India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Lal was featured in Vogue magazine. His unique dressing style, single-breasted jacket, became an important fashion trend in the West. Nehru jacket was listed on Time list of 'global fashion statement.' Later, Nehru jacket was popularized by the Beatles and worn by such famous people as Johnny Carson and Sammy Davis Jr.

11. India never invaded any country in her last 100000 years of history.
12. On August 15, 1947, when India became free from the foreign rule, Mahatma Gandhi was in Calcutta. Gandhiji spent his day in prayers, fasting and spinning protesting the madness of communal hatred.
13. The world's largest road network is in India-over 1.9 million miles of roads cover the country.
14. Cherrapunji (Meghalaya) is the wettest spot on earth. It receives at least 425 inches of rain every year, which is over 5 times more than the tropical rain forests of South America!

15. With around 155,618 post offices and over 566,000 employees, India has the largest postal network in the world.
16. Hindi is not India’s national language as many think or believe; it’s the official language. Article 343 of the Constitution states that Hindi in Devnagari script is the official language of India. But Hindi is the first official language of India and Hindi was declared the Official Language of the Union on September 14, 1949.
17. India Railways is the single largest civilian employer in the world, with over a million employees.
18. When India became independent on August 15, 1947 there was no National Anthem. Even though the Bengali invocation of Jana Gana Mana was written in 1911, it was not considered as national anthem till 1950.
19. State Bank of India has the maximum number of branches in the world, with the number being over 15,000 and counting.

20. Controversy surrounding Jana Gana Mana claims that Rabindranath Tagore wrote the song ‘Jana Gana Mana’ for the British monarch. He later refuted this claim and said that he wrote the song as requested by his friend and the song pronounced the victory in ‘Jana Gana Mana’ of that Bhagya Vidhata of India and not of King George V.

21.  The value of "pi" was first calculated by the Indian Mathematician Budhayana, who also explained the Pythagorean Theorem.

22. India is one of only three countries that makes supercomputers (the US and Japan are the other two).
23. Navi Mumbai, a planned satellite township of Mumbai, was developed in 1972 and is the largest planned township on the planet.

24. India produces more movies than any other country in the world and Bollywood is the largest film industry in the world.
25. There are 300,000 active mosques in India, more than in any other country, including the Muslim world.

Monday 3 August 2015

To School, With Love: Thank You for the Best Memories

Whenever anyone asks me what was the best and the worst moments in your life….The answer always zeroes down to the same place….Yes,the best moments in my life were spent in my School….the worst moment in my life was when I had grown up so old…that I could no longer go to school….I know normally kids hate school…They get all sorts of ailments and aches only on Monday’s when they have to go back to school after weekend holiday….But I was bit abnormal….I just hated holidays…. and could not wait to go back to school….School was like my first home…..my teachers and friends my family!!!!
It has been almost 8 years since I left the safe confines of my school to enter this competitive world….where everyone was in hurry….I felt dizzy on stepping into this world….More than the peer pressure it was the sudden change in my world that made me feel very uncomfortable!!!…..Yes,I just could not comprehend the fact that from a place where School Teachers went to great extents to make sure that we were comfortable in our own space….I was suddenly pushed into a (OUTER) space where Professors were least bothered about our existence….So,the friendly approach was amiss and I wished I could just ran back HOME ( read School :( )….I don’t know how many of you really miss your school days….But I do miss them alot…and so Today’s post is about all those lovely moments I spent in my School!!!
I still remember the first day in school….It’s usual tradition that kids cry alot on getting separated from their parents….But my class was bit different….I really don’t remember anyone of us crying….Because there was little slide in the corner of our L.K.G class…..So on entering the classroom,instead of crying we all get busy with taking turns on the slide….Those were some careless days….No worries…Learning alphabets and numbers was no big deal….Although the best part was shouting our lungs out while telling the poetry rhymes,to volumes all tuned up ;) (So that we could offend the teacher so much that for the rest of day she would just leave us in peace)….Personally my favorite time was always spent in little sand garden that we had opposite to our canteen….The garden had slides,merry-go-round and other play stuffs….Everyday after-school time was allotted to this garden….The most funny part was to push the person siting in front of you from the slide….So that they would land head on straight into the sands (No offense meant….We were kids right ;) )….
Wish I could become kid again...play on slides and merry-go-around like before!!!
We just didn’t realize how soon time flew past and two years down the line we all were in Primary Section….Promoted….To our next level of Mischief :)….I still remember that day very vividly….We were in 2nd standard and our Class Teacher was absent…..So two of our seniors had been called in to keep our class in control….Honestly they did try their best….But I told you that we were from a different breed….We seldom listened to teachers (so listening to seniors was out of question)….So in final attempt both of them scared us by telling us stories of our next year’s Class teacher Mrs.Parekh….We had already heard alot about her….But whatever our seniors told us….seriously scared us all the more….One more year passed on….and we were face to face with the ghost of our life-Mrs.Parekh (No,I’m not calling her a Ghost because of the amount of make-up that she applied ;))….Although we were scared of her for a month or so….We could not keep quite for long…..within three months time….We drove her up the wall….By the time our first semester ended….She was so harassed trying to keep our class under control….that either daily she had to take pain killers for headache or she would actually take half day leave and run off home ;) (But still we were kids right ;) )…..
Seriously we were the naughtiest batch in the entire school….and we were actually proud of it!!!….I still remember all that fun….Sneaking around the corridors….playing in the rains and watching our play ground turn into swimming pool and stealing mangoes from the Mango Tree in our school garden….We did it all….One more incident that I can never forget is what i call “The Rat’s Day Out”….Our Science Teacher Mrs.Kamath was taking our class(I know this may sound rude….but we were all sleeping as always)
Backbench was my favorite place....Best place to sleep!!!!
When suddenly someone from the corner of the class screamed “Eekkkksss….There a rat here “…..So we all jumped on our bench-tops….more shouting and screaming followed….Somehow Kamath Miss convinced us all and made us sit st our places so that she could take her class……But we were not in mood to listen….So we all put our great minds to use and in perfect co-ordination….started the RAT hoopla again….Every 5 minutes someone would shout that there is rat here…and there….Finally Kamath Miss got all pissed off….and called the peon…The class was vacated and the peons went on RAT HUNT (Like treasure hunt)….Finally after 15 minutes,the peon caught the rat and threw it out of the window….Kamath Miss heaved a sigh of relief….But the moment we stepped inside the class the bell rang….WE ALL HEAVED A SIGH OF RELIEF ;)….
Well….when you fool around with Teachers it’s understandable….But when you do the same with the School principal…You have guts….Ya,sure guts we had!!!!….We were in 10th Standard,when our Principal out of respect for Class teacher(and actually our Class Teacher was the only person in whole school whom we were afraid of) decided to take History Classes for us (Normally Principal never took classes)….So there we were…The naughtiest class in school siting in the classroom and trying hard to act decent in front of the Principal of the School….Actually for week we did succeed in doing that….But then we got bored acting so nice….More than we were frustrated by the way,our Principal taught….She had peculiar style of teaching….Everyday she would revise whatever she taught the day before and then start afresh…So ultimately what happened was that even after a week…We just stuck with the 1857 revolution which had started a week back…Then one day we observed that when one of our classmates was coughing….Madam would stop until He stopped coughing….There,our devil brains started working again…So from the next day began our daily ritual of COUGHING our heart’s way out ;) After-all we were kids !!!….Our Principal tried to adjust for week with our persistent sneezing…But ultimately she complained to our Class teacher (Imagine a School Principal complaining to the Teacher that Students don’t let her teach ;) )….So the next day,Our Teacher got us Halls tablets and distributed it in the whole class….Warned us all that we should not catch Cold ;)
I met my life friends in my school....The best feeling in the world!!!
There are so many memories that bring back smiles and tears that this one post would not suffix…So there are definitely  many more post to follow where I’ll share all those funny but the best moments of my Life….spent at my most favorite place in this world…MY SCHOOL…..I don’t know about my future….But wherever I go….However far away…..No one can steal these moments from me :) !!!

Even today when I look out of the window during the rains....All I wish for is my School Days!!!!

20 Clever Brainteasers to Stretch Your Brain

Are you ready to give your brain a hearty workout? These clever brain teasers & witty riddles will require mental acuity, lateral thinking, and… a generous sense of humor! ;)
We've compiled twenty brainy puzzles of varying levels of difficulty - some are mathematical in nature, some will test your verbal cunning, and some are just plain silly. If you can't get one, don't fret, just move on to the next!
Now, there ARE answers at the bottom of the page, but... no peeking! You want to keep building those brain muscles - that IS why you're here, right? When you're finished,
Good luck and have fun getting smarter!

The Questions:

1) Q: What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

2) Q: Find a number less than 100 that is increased by one-fifth of its value when its digits are reversed.

3) Q: A farmer is trying to cross a river with a bag of corn, a hen, and a fox. The farmer's boat is only big enough to take himself and one other item per trip. The hen cannot be left alone with the corn or she will eat it. Likewise the fox cannot be left with the hen, or the hen will be eaten. How does the farmer get all three items across the river?

4) Q: A bat and a ball cost $1.10. The bat costs one dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

5) Q: What letter comes next in the following sequence? D R M F S L T_

6) Q: Johnny's Mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May. What was the third child’s name?

7) Q: A clerk at a butcher shop stands five feet ten inches tall and wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?

8) Q: If you were running a race and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?

9) Q: How many times can you subtract the number two from the number fifty?

10) Q: It's a stormy night and a plane takes off from JFK airport in New York. The storm worsens, and the plane crashes - half lands in the United States, the other half lands in Canada. In which country do you bury the survivors?

11) Q: In British Columbia you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?

12) Q: What word in the English language is always spelled incorrectly?

13) Q: Given these equations, what does 4500 equal?

14) Q: What's full of holes but can still hold water?

15) Q: Can you think of a common word that contains double C, double S and double L? Can you think of a second one?

16) Q: What number comes next in the following sequence? 2 4 8 10 20 _

17) Q: Without it, I'm dead. If I'm not, then then I'm behind. What am I?

18) Q: If you wrote all of the numbers from 300 to 400 on a piece of paper, how many times would you have written the number 3?

19) Q: You are in a place called Jack's World and there is only one law. There is a mirror, but no reflection. There is pizza with cheese, but not sausage. There is pepper, but no salt. There is a door, yet no entrance or exit. What is the law?

20) Q: I come in different shapes and sizes. Parts of me are curved, other parts are straight. You can put me anywhere you like, but there is only one right place for me. What am I?
The Answers:

1) A: Short

2) A: 45 (1/5 of 45 = 9, 9 + 45 = 54)

3) A: The farmer takes the hen across first, and leaves her on the other bank. Next, he comes back, loads the fox onto his boat, and takes him back across the river. He drops off the fox on the opposite bank, picks up the hen, and brings her back to the original bank. He swaps the hen for the corn, and returns to the far bank with the corn - leaving it with the fox. Then, he returns once more to the original bank to get the hen. Once he brings her across, all four are happy to be on the other side!

4) A: The ball costs 5 cents. One dollar more than 5c is $1.05. The sum of which is $1.10.

5) A: D - each letter represents one note in the diatonic musical scale: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do

6) A: Johnny

7) A: Meat

8) A: 2nd Place

9) A: Once. After that, you'd be subtracting from 48.

10) A: You don't bury survivors!

11) A: You can't take a picture with a wooden leg; you need a camera.

12) A: Incorrectly

13) A: 2 - Each answer given equals the number of circles present in the numbers. So, 5699 would equal 3 and 4444 = 0

14) A: A sponge

15) A: Successfully. Unsuccessfully.

16) A: 22 (the sequence alternates +2, x2)

17) A: Ahead.

18) A: 120 (100 threes in the hundreds place + 10 threes in the tens place + 10 threes in the ones place)

19) A: Everything (each word) in Jack's World must contain double letters.

20) A: A jigsaw puzzle piece (how appropriate!)

Thought of the day

You can’t change the whole world, and you certainly can’t change other people, but you do have the ability to change yourself. You can have a positive impact in your job, the people with whom you work, and the entire organization…the choice is up to you.
 –Cherie CarterScott 

15 Money Tips To Make You Rich In 2015

businessmen tablet
"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."
– Henry Ford
To make 2015 your most lucrative year yet, you may have to do some things differently than what you've done in the past.
Here are 15 action items that can put you ahead regardless of what happens with the economy in the coming year and beyond:

1. Become your own CFO.

You can't fix what you don't know, so the first step is becoming completely aware of your finances and where your money is going.
As soon as you start to understand your current situation in detail, you will be able to identify leaks and simple solutions that will help get you on your way. 
Nobody cares more about your finances than you do (not even a financial adviser), so it is on you to take control of your financial future and direct it to where you want to go.

2. Go on a diet.

I'm not talking about what you eat. Identify one expense that isn't helping you achieve your goals, and cut it out for 30 days.
A simple expense to choose is cable television. The average American watches more than five hours of TV every day. That is thousands of dollars and thousands of hours often wasted each year!
Try a TV (or other guilty pleasure) diet for 30 days, and use that time and money on something more beneficial. I'm sure you'll survive without it just fine. 

3. Be selfish.

When you get on an airplane, what do they tell you during the safety instructions? "Put your own mask on first, and then help the person beside you."
It should be the same way with our time and our finances. Be selfish and take care of yourself first, and then you can have more flexibility to take care of others. The problem is that so many of us put others first and then aren't able to help ourselves. 

4. Be selfless.

Although you want to be selfish with your time and money at first, you also want to be selfless with your attitude. The wealthiest entrepreneurs I know give, give, give, and focus on helping others. By doing so, more money shows up in return.
Focus on impact and income will result.
Running BuddiesBe willing to help others when you can.

5. Improve your credit score.

Credit is boring and I hate to talk about it, but it does make a difference. Think about it: Most of life's biggest expenses are purchased on credit. It's important to start to take care of it now because there is going to be a situation in the future where you'll wish you had.
The way to improve your credit score again starts with awareness. Get your free report each year from AnnualCreditReport.com and find out if there are any items that are directly hurting your score (which you can get for free at Credit KarmaCredit Sesame, or Credit.com). Address those now and you'll save yourself many thousands in the future.

6. Define what true wealth means for you.

In the dictionary, wealth is defined as "a large amount of money and possessions." However, when you ask someone who is truly wealthy, you get a completely different answer. 
As I show in "Make Money, Live Wealthy," the 75 entrepreneurs I interviewed most often shared words like freedom, purpose, family, health, experiences and other things that mean much more than just money.
Money is an important tool that makes all of these other things much easier, but it shouldn't necessarily be the goal in and of itself. Realize this and you will ultimately create your dream life much sooner. 

7. Automate your money.

The key with your finances is to make it as easy as possible on yourself. The best way to do this is to automate your finances as much as possible. What this means is that as soon as money comes in, it is dispersed to your other accounts automatically. 
For instance, you can set up your finances so that money is taken straight from your paycheck into a retirement investment account, or from your checking account to pay off fixed bills like your internet and cable. The less you can worry about moving your money around and the more you can focus on optimizing it, the better off you'll be.
The key reason why this works is not only to free up time, but it helps prevent us from wasting money. If we see extra money in our account, we'll find a way to spend it and then won't be left with much if any money to invest in ourselves and our future. Automation helps keep our priorities in line and takes the emotions out of it.
Woman Working on Laptop and iPadFigure out how to earn more through alternate income streams.

8. Add another income stream.

One thing that I learned over and over again from the wealthy this year is that they never rely on one income stream. They have numerous sources, which protect them from changes in the economy and also add up to the greatest numbers. 
If you want to make 2015 your most lucrative year yet, your best bet is likely to add another source of income.

9. Focus on passive and residual income.

There is only so much time in the day, so it's hard to build wealth quickly when you're trading your time for money. Instead, the wealthy focus on building income streams where they can get paid over and over again for their work by putting their business or money to work for them. 
Examples of this include the investing, owning real estate, running an online business, and writing a book. If you're going to do the work, you might as well get paid over and over again for your efforts. Work hard, but also work smart, and you'll much sooner find the freedom you dream of.

10. Get a library card.

The wealthiest and smartest people in the world have something in common: They're avid readers
For very cheap or even free, you can get access to the most brilliant and inspiring people of all-time. Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make, and by reading, you are doing exactly that.
Whether it be audio or in print, books have helped change my life and bank account and can do the same for you. 
Beautiful Libraries From Around The World - New York Public LIbraryLibrary cards aren't just for kids.

11. Make your investments boring.

Back in 2010 when I started investing heavily, it was exciting. I had multiple monitors continually streaming charts, CNBC, and countless stock prices. This is what I believed that successful investing looked and felt like.
The thing was, I wasn't making any money.
Finally, I started to learn what works and began to take the emotions out of it. When I did, the excitement dropped dramatically (along with my stress) while my results started to shoot upwards. 
"Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas."
– Paul Samuelson

12. Track your progress.

It doesn't matter how much money you make. It doesn't even matter how much you spend. What does matter is how much you keep. 
Every month, track your net worth (I use Mint.com to do this). This makes you think about the entire picture from income to expenses to investments to taxes. With this focus, you can ultimately make the greatest impact on your finances. 

13. Cut out 10%.

Even the most frugal people can find 10% of their expenses to cut. If you then take that 10% and invest it in yourself and in your future via training, paying off debt, or putting it towards vehicles that make you money like investing or starting a business, you'll be much better off. 
Try it. Go through your expenses line by line and see what you can cancel or reduce. I do this practice at least twice per year to keep things in line, and I find hundreds in savings each time. 
wealthy women sitting grassYour network is your net worth.

14. Hang out with rich people.

Your network is your net worth. Seriously.
As Jim Rohn said, "You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with." It doesn't matter if we're talking about happiness, health, confidence or your income, the people you hang out with are strongly reflected in your own life.
So, if you have one thing on your 2015 to-do list, it should be to raise the quality of your peer group. This will have a domino effect on every other area of your life.

15. Reduce your goals.

Most people don't even create goals, but those that do often go to the extreme and create too many goals. The ultra-successful, however, are great at simplifying their mission and creating a single challenge in front of them at any given time. 
As Gary Keller talks about in the great book, "The ONE Thing," the way to get more is to focus on less. Less distractions, less stress, and fewer goals lead to more income and a better lifestyle.
That's it; 15 small steps that can add up to enormous changes. Remember, new and better actions will lead to new and better results.
Cheers to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2015.